Click Creates Cube | Shift-Click Creates Pyramid Click Creates Sphere | Shift-Click Creates GeoSphere | Ctrl-Click Creates Capsule Click Creates Cylinder | Shift-Click Creates Cone Click Creates Plain | Shift-Click Creates Gear Click starts Boolean Operation | Shift-Click Creates Free Hand Spline Click Centers the objects pivot point | Shift-Click centers pivot and moves object to 0,0,0 Toggles Pivot mode, affect pivot only Aligns selected objects pivot to picked objects pivot Click Sets pivot point to 0 | Shift-Click places object at 0,0,0 based on pivot, no centering Places the pivot point of any object where you mouseclick Toggles Snap To Grid Toggles Snap To Pivot Toggles Snap To End Point Toggles Snap To Mid Point Toggles Snap To Verts Builds simple bounding boxes around the selected object for an easy collision starting point Removes edge loops and verts in loop Isolates current selection Renders Wireframes on textured objects in Render Rename Objects box maps Selected Objects Copy UV'S from one model to another Relax Uvs Click Removes Material From Selected Objects | Shift-Click Removes Materials From Scene | Ctrl-Click Resets Medit Collapse MulitSub Materials Adds a Shell Modifier to the modifier stack Adds a turbo smooth modifier to the modifier stack at 3 iterations Adds a Symmetry modifier to the modifier stack Adds a SubDivide modifier to the modifier stack Adds a ePoly modifier to the modifier stack Click Hides Lights | Shift-Click Selects Lights | Ctrl-Click Freezes Lights Click Hides Cameras | Shift-Click Selects Cameras | Ctrl-Click Freezes Cameras Click Hides Systems | Shift-Click Selects Systems | Ctrl-Click Freezes Systems Click Hides Geometry | Shift-Click Selects Geometry | Ctrl-Click Freezes Geometry Click Opens Display Floater | Shift-Click Hides Track bar Click Displays File's Summary Info | Shift-Click Displays File Properties Click to Add or Edit Notes | Shift-Click to View Existing Notes | Ctrl-Click to Suppress Persistant Notes Manage Layers Brings up the Lights List Brings up the Units Setup Floater About Email QuickTools
QuickTools is a collection of useful max scripts and max features combined into one tool window, and packaged into an easy to install executable.

More Detailed Info.
Download as .exe  
Download as .zip

Hover over the icons.

QuickPrimitives Button Set Row 1 - Button 1:
Click - creates cube
Shift-Click - creates pyramid
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickPrimitives Button Set Row 1 - Button 2:
Click - creates sphere
Shift-Click - creates geosphere
Ctrl-Click - creates a capsule

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickPrimitives Button Set Row 1 - Button 3:
Click - creates cylinder
Shift-Click - creates cone
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickPrimitives Button Set Row 1 - Button 4:
Click - creates plain
Shift-Click - creates gear*
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008

*Gear Script by - Adam Wierzchowski
QuickPrimitives Button Set Row 1 - Button 5:
Click - starts boolean operation
Shift-Click - freehand line draw
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickPivots Button Set Row 1 - Button 1:
Click - centers pivot
Shift-Click - centers pivot moves object to 0,0,0
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickPivots Button Set Row 1 - Button 2:
Click - pivot mode toggle
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickPivots Button Set Row 1 - Button 3:
Click - align pivot to picked objects pivot
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickPivots Button Set Row 1 - Button 4:
Click - place pivot at 0,0,0
Shift-Click - place object at 0,0,0 based on pivot, no centering
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickPivots Button Set Row 1 - Button 5:
Click - places pivot wherever you click in the viewport
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickSnaps Button Set Row 1 - Button 1:
Click - toggles snaps: Grid
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickSnaps Button Set Row 1 - Button 2:
Click - toggles snaps: Pivot
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickSnaps Button Set Row 1 - Button 3:
Click - toggles snaps: End Point
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickSnaps Button Set Row 1 - Button 4:
Click - toggles snaps: Mid Point
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickSnaps Button Set Row 1 - Button 5:
Click - toggles snaps: Vert
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickOperations Button Set Row 1 - Button 1:
Click - builds bounding box around selected object. For kick starting collision modelling.
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickOperations Button Set Row 1 - Button 2:
Click - removes edge loop, just click one edge and click button. Removes edges and verts in loop.
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickOperations Button Set Row 1 - Button 3:
Click - isolates object
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickOperations Button Set Row 1 - Button 4:
Click - renders wires on select object in render
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickOperations Button Set Row 1 - Button 5:
Click - opens rename dialog
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickOperations Button Set Row 2 - Button 1:
Click - box maps selected objects
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickOperations Button Set Row 2 - Button 2:
Click - copies uv's from one object to another *
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008

*Copy UV's Script by - Kees Rijnen, Nick Waanders
QuickOperations Button Set Row 2 - Button 3:
Click - relaxes unwrapped uv's similar to Deep UV. Handy for organics.*
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008

*Relax Uv's Script by - Carl van Heezik
QuickOperations Button Set Row 2 - Button 4:
Click - removes materials from selected objects
Shift-Click - removes materials from scene
Ctrl-Click - resets Medit

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickOperations Button Set Row 2 - Button 5:
Click - removes unused multi sub-object materials and collapses the materials into a new sub-object map slot. User definable options.*
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
*Collapse Multi Sub-Object Material Script by - Neil Blevins
QuickModifiers Button Set Row 1 - Button 1:
Click - adds a shell modifier
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickModifiers Button Set Row 1 - Button 2:
Click - adds a turbo smooth modifier
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickModifiers Button Set Row 1 - Button 3:
Click - adds a symmetry modifier
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickModifiers Button Set Row 1 - Button 4:
Click - adds a subdivide modifier
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickModifiers Button Set Row 1 - Button 5:
Click - adds an ePoly modifier
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickVisibility Button Set Row 1 - Button 1:
Click - hides all lights
Shift-Click - selects all lights
Ctrl-Click - freezes all lights

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickVisibility Button Set Row 1 - Button 2:
Click - hides all cameras
Shift-Click - selects all cameras
Ctrl-Click - freezes all cameras

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickVisibility Button Set Row 1 - Button 3:
Click - hides all systems
Shift-Click - selects all systems
Ctrl-Click - freezes all systems

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickVisibility Button Set Row 1 - Button 4:
Click - hides all geometry
Shift-Click - selects all geometry
Ctrl-Click - freezes all geometry

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickVisibility Button Set Row 1 - Button 5:
Click - opens the object display floater
Shift-Click - hides/shows the time track bar *
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008

*Toggle Timetrack script by - Jon Seagull
QuickManage Button Set Row 1 - Button 1:
Click - opens file summary dialog
Shift-Click - opens file properties dialog
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickManage Button Set Row 1 - Button 2:
Click - opens add a note dialog (rewritten to make editing, suppressing and deleting notes easier)
Shift-Click - view and edit or add file notes
Ctrl-Click - suppresses the file's notes

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickManage Button Set Row 1 - Button 3:
Click - opens layer manager dialog
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickManage Button Set Row 1 - Button 4:
Click - opens light lister dialog
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickManage Button Set Row 1 - Button 5:
Click - opens units setup dialog
Shift-Click - no function
Ctrl-Click - no function

Works with:
3DS Max 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 2008
QuickTools MaxScript Set About Link:
A collection of useful max scripts and max features combined into one tool window, and packaged into an easy to install executable.

This link takes you to the QuickTools documentation pages.